Ortofon Stylus Pressure Gauge

10,00 €
Išparduota. Teirautis dėl pristatymo terminų
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The Ortofon tracking force gauge is a simple budget tool for turntables that is used to determine the stylus tracking force.

Check for the manufacturers recommended settings for your stylus tracking force. The Ortofon tracking force gauge tool is a small plastic pivot type scale that will accurately measure tracking force between 1.25 g and 4 g.

The Ortofon stylus force gauge is simple to use:

1. Very gently, rest the cartridge stylus (needle) into the grooved guide track at the desired tracking force marking.

2. Next, adjust the counter-weight or tonearm pressure dials until the Ortofon pivot scale is in balance. The scale on the force gauge is marked in gram.

Kas yra pakuotėje?
  • Ortofon Stylus Pressure Gauge
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